

Here are 4 great things that have happened:
  1. I'm going to Thailand and Cambodia in 2011 in April with world challenge
  2. I'm getting a sewing machine
  3. I got a job
  4. And I'm going to New Zealand at Christmas to see my family (i was born there)

xx. A


  1. sweet! i've always wanted to go to cambodia! thailand is awesome btw, make you you visit phucket (sp). and i'm saving up money for a sewing machine, i miss sewing :( i haven't sewn anything in ages!

    congrats on getting a job! and yayers for family reunions :) i love em

  2. Wow, so cool that you're going to NZ! It's definitely on my must visit list!! I've never been to Cambodia but Thailand is great:) Very nice place for shopping too!


thank you for leaving a comment, hope you had a great day :D

xx. A